B-1.1, r. 9 - Regulation respecting the professional qualification of contractors and owner-builders

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(s. 10)
2.1 Contractor – drilled wells
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to the sinking of wells and water collection, and similar or related construction work.
2.2 Contractor – non-drilled water collection structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to non-drilled water collection structures such as shallow wells and spring water collection, and similar or related construction work.
2.3 Contractor – underground water pumping systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics or electrical contractors relating to underground water pumping systems, and similar or related construction work.
2.4 Contractor – private sewerage systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to building sewage treatment, and similar or related construction work.
2.6 Contractor – piles and special foundations
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to soil mechanics such as piles and caissons, cofferdams, tiebacks, underpinning or grouting of soil and rock.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 2.5 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related work.
2.8 Contractor – blasting
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to drilling, loading of holes and firing explosives and similar and related construction work.
3.1 Contractor – concrete structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to cast or precast structural concrete.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 3.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
4.1 Contractor – masonry structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to structural masonry and masonry outer wall.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 4.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly it authorizes similar or related construction work.
5.1 Contractor – metallic structures and prefabricated concrete elements
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to metallic structures and steel structural elements as well as structural assembly work using prefabricated concrete elements.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 5.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
6.1 Contractor – wood structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to wood structures.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 6.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
10. Contractor – solid fuel local heating systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for master pipe-mechanics or electrical contractors relating to solid fuel local heating systems, such as stoves and prefabricated fireplaces, and similar or related construction work.
11.1 Contractor – pressurized industrial or institutional piping
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for master pipe-mechanics relating to the installation of pressurized industrial or institutional piping, and similar or related construction work.
13.1 Contractor – lightning protection
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for electrical contractors relating to lightning protection installations, and similar or related construction work.
13.2 Contractor – fire alarm systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for electrical contractors relating to fire alarm systems, and similar or related construction work.
13.3 Contractor – fire extinguishing system
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for master pipe-mechanics relating to automatic water sprinkler systems, fire protection standpipe, and similar or related construction work.
13.4 Contractor – local fire extinguishing systems
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to local fire extinguishing systems using a product stored in a tank and similar or related construction work.
14.1 Contractor – passenger and freight elevators
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for electrical contractors relating to passenger and freight elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks and material lifts governed by the current edition of CAN/CSA B44 Safety Code for Elevators and Freight Elevators, rendered applicable by Chapter IV of the Construction Code (chapter B-1.1, r. 2) and defined in that Code, and related construction work.
14.2 Contractor – lifts for persons with physical disabilities
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for electrical contractors relating to lifts for persons with physical disabilities governed by the current edition of standards CAN/CSA B355 Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities and CAN/CSA B613 Private Residence Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities, rendered applicable by Chapter IV of the Construction Code and defined in those standards, and related construction work.
14.3 Contractor – other types of elevators
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for electrical contractors relating to elevators not in subclass 1.10 provided for in Schedule I and in subclasses 14.1 and 14.2 and related construction work.
15.1 Contractor – pulsed air heating systems
This subclass authorizes construction work reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act (chapter M-4) relating to pulsed air heating systems.
It also authorizes construction work that is not already authorized by the first paragraph and relating to pulsed air heating systems, particularly those relating to propane gas burners.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to pulsed air heating and air conditioning systems. However, work relating to heating and air conditioning devices that are part of such systems may not be carried out unless the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.1.1 (Revoked).
15.2 Contractor – natural gas burners
This subclass authorizes construction work that is reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to natural gas combustion systems.
It also authorizes related construction work.
15.2.1 (Revoked).
15.3 Contractor – oil burners
This subclass authorizes construction work reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to oil combustion systems.
It also authorizes related construction work.
15.3.1 (Revoked).
15.4 Contractor – hydronic heating systems
This subclass authorizes construction work reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to hydronic heating systems.
It also authorizes construction work that is not already authorized by the first paragraph and relating to hydronic heating systems, particularly those relating to propane gas burners.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to hydronic heating and air conditioning systems. However, work relating to heating and air conditioning devices that are part of such systems may not be carried out unless the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.4.1 (Revoked).
15.5 Contractor – plumbing
This subclass authorizes construction work that is reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to plumbing systems, including piping and all the fixtures used for drainage, back venting of traps, hot and cold water supply or gas supply.
It also authorizes related construction work.
15.5.1 (Revoked).
15.6 Contractor – propane
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to installations for the use, storage or distribution of propane gas, including their components and fixtures, and similar or related construction work.
15.7 Contractor – residential ventilation
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to air circulation or distribution systems related to ventilation, exhaust, air compensation and air conditioning of single family dwellings, duplexes or town houses and private portions of multifamily buildings held in divided co-ownership.
It also authorizes, for buildings referred to in the first paragraph, construction work relating to the heating duct systems and the installation of the heating devices of a pulsed air heating system as well as construction work relating to the heating duct systems of a pulsed air heating and air conditioning system.
In addition, this subclass authorizes, for the same buildings, construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a pulsed air system provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
15.8 Contractor – ventilation
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to air circulation or distribution systems related to ventilation, exhaust, air compensation and air conditioning.
It also authorizes construction work relating to the heating duct systems and the installation of the heating devices of a pulsed air heating system as well as construction work relating to the heating duct systems of a pulsed air heating and air conditioning system.
In addition, that subclass authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a pulsed air system provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
15.9 Contractor – small refrigeration systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to air-conditioning refrigeration systems with a cooling capacity not exceeding 20 kW and a refrigerant of group A1, A2 or a mixture of both, according to the classification in the table on refrigerants and charges of the Mechanical Refrigeration Code, published by the Canadian Standards Association.
It also authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a pulsed air system, whose capacity does not exceed 40 kW and that use a refrigerant referred to in the first paragraph, provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.1, 15.7 or 15.8.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a hydronic system, whose capacity does not exceed 40 kW and that use a refrigerant referred to in the first paragraph, provided that the contractor also holds subclass 15.4.
It also authorizes similar or related construction work.
15.10 Contractor – refrigeration
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to any refrigeration system, including work related to air-conditioning, industrial processes and food preservation.
It also authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a pulsed air system provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.1, 15.7 or 15.8.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a hydronic system provided that the contractor also holds subclass 15.4.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
16. Contractor – electrical
Except for demolition work, this subclass authorizes construction work on an electrical installation to which Chapter V of the Construction Code applies, introduced by the Regulation to amend the Construction Code (O.C. 961-2002, 2002-08-21), that is reserved exclusively for electrical contractors.
It also authorizes construction work relating to fixtures permanently connected to the electrical installation, if it is governed by Chapter V of the Construction Code and if it is not specifically governed by another subclass and construction work in subclasses 13.2 and 17.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
17.1 Contractor – instrumentation and control systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for electrical contractors relating to instrumentation and control systems.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 17.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
O.C. 314-200, Sch. II; O.C. 703-2016, ss. 2 to 9; S.Q. 2024, c. 35, s. 62.
(s. 10)
2.1 Contractor – drilled wells
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to the sinking of wells and water collection, and similar or related construction work.
2.2 Contractor – non-drilled water collection structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to non-drilled water collection structures such as shallow wells and spring water collection, and similar or related construction work.
2.3 Contractor – underground water pumping systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics or electrical contractors relating to underground water pumping systems, and similar or related construction work.
2.4 Contractor – private sewerage systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to building sewage treatment, and similar or related construction work.
2.6 Contractor – piles and special foundations
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to soil mechanics such as piles and caissons, cofferdams, tiebacks, underpinning or grouting of soil and rock.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 2.5 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related work.
2.8 Contractor – blasting
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to drilling, loading of holes and firing explosives and similar and related construction work.
3.1 Contractor – concrete structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to cast or precast structural concrete.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 3.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
4.1 Contractor – masonry structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to structural masonry and masonry outer wall.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 4.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly it authorizes similar or related construction work.
5.1 Contractor – metallic structures and prefabricated concrete elements
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to metallic structures and steel structural elements as well as structural assembly work using prefabricated concrete elements.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 5.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
6.1 Contractor – wood structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to wood structures.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 6.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
10. Contractor – solid fuel local heating systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for master pipe-mechanics or electrical contractors relating to solid fuel local heating systems, such as stoves and prefabricated fireplaces, and similar or related construction work.
11.1 Contractor – pressurized industrial or institutional piping
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for master pipe-mechanics relating to the installation of pressurized industrial or institutional piping, and similar or related construction work.
13.1 Contractor – lightning protection
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for electrical contractors relating to lightning protection installations, and similar or related construction work.
13.2 Contractor – fire alarm systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for electrical contractors relating to fire alarm systems, and similar or related construction work.
13.3 Contractor – fire extinguishing system
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for master pipe-mechanics relating to automatic water sprinkler systems, fire protection standpipe, and similar or related construction work.
13.4 Contractor – local fire extinguishing systems
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to local fire extinguishing systems using a product stored in a tank and similar or related construction work.
14.1 Contractor – passenger and freight elevators
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for electrical contractors relating to passenger and freight elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks and material lifts governed by the current edition of CAN/CSA B44 Safety Code for Elevators and Freight Elevators, rendered applicable by Chapter IV of the Construction Code (chapter B-1.1, r. 2) and defined in that Code, and related construction work.
14.2 Contractor – lifts for persons with physical disabilities
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for electrical contractors relating to lifts for persons with physical disabilities governed by the current edition of standards CAN/CSA B355 Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities and CAN/CSA B613 Private Residence Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities, rendered applicable by Chapter IV of the Construction Code and defined in those standards, and related construction work.
14.3 Contractor – other types of elevators
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for electrical contractors relating to elevators not in subclass 1.10 provided for in Schedule I and in subclasses 14.1 and 14.2 and related construction work.
15.1 Contractor – pulsed air heating systems
This subclass authorizes construction work reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act (chapter M-4) relating to pulsed air heating systems.
It also authorizes construction work that is not already authorized by the first paragraph and relating to pulsed air heating systems, particularly those relating to propane gas burners and those included in subclass 15.1.1.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to pulsed air heating and air conditioning systems. However, work relating to heating and air conditioning devices that are part of such systems may not be carried out unless the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.1.1 Contractor – pulsed air heating systems for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to pulsed air heating systems, including propane gas burners that are part of them.
It also authorizes construction work relating to heating systems referred to in the first paragraph that is carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to pulsed air heating and air conditioning systems that is carried out in the territories referred to in the second paragraph. However, work relating to heating and air conditioning devices that are part of such systems may not be carried out unless the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.2 Contractor – natural gas burners
This subclass authorizes construction work that is reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to natural gas combustion systems.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 15.2.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.2.1 Contractor – natural gas burners for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to natural gas combustion systems.
It also authorizes construction work relating to natural gas combustion systems that is carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.3 Contractor – oil burners
This subclass authorizes construction work reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to oil combustion systems.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 15.3.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.3.1 Contractor – oil burners for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to oil combustion systems.
It also authorizes construction work relating to oil combustion systems that is carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.4 Contractor – hydronic heating systems
This subclass authorizes construction work reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to hydronic heating systems.
It also authorizes construction work that is not already authorized by the first paragraph and relating to hydronic heating systems, particularly those relating to propane gas burners and those included in subclass 15.4.1.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to hydronic heating and air conditioning systems. However, work relating to heating and air conditioning devices that are part of such systems may not be carried out unless the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.4.1 Contractor – hydronic heating systems for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to hydronic heating systems, including propane burners that are part of the systems.
It also authorizes construction work relating to heating systems referred to in the first paragraph and that is carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to hydronic heating and air conditioning systems carried out in the territories referred to in the second paragraph. However, work relating to heating and air conditioning devices that are part of such systems may not be carried out unless the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.5 Contractor – plumbing
This subclass authorizes construction work that is reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to plumbing systems in any building or structure, including piping and all the fixtures used for drainage, back venting of traps, hot and cold water supply or gas supply.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 15.5.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.5.1 Contractor – plumbing for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to plumbing systems in any building or structure, including piping and all fixtures used for drainage, back venting of traps, hot and cold water supply or gas supply.
It also authorizes construction work relating to plumbing systems referred to in the first paragraph and carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
Moreover, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to plumbing installations that are not building installations and that are outdoors.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.6 Contractor – propane
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to installations for the use, storage or distribution of propane gas, including their components and fixtures, and similar or related construction work.
15.7 Contractor – residential ventilation
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to air circulation or distribution systems related to ventilation, exhaust, air compensation and air conditioning of single family dwellings, duplexes or town houses and private portions of multifamily buildings held in divided co-ownership.
It also authorizes, for buildings referred to in the first paragraph, construction work relating to the heating duct systems and the installation of the heating devices of a pulsed air heating system as well as construction work relating to the heating duct systems of a pulsed air heating and air conditioning system.
In addition, this subclass authorizes, for the same buildings, construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a pulsed air system provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
15.8 Contractor – ventilation
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to air circulation or distribution systems related to ventilation, exhaust, air compensation and air conditioning.
It also authorizes construction work relating to the heating duct systems and the installation of the heating devices of a pulsed air heating system as well as construction work relating to the heating duct systems of a pulsed air heating and air conditioning system.
In addition, that subclass authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a pulsed air system provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.9 or 15.10.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
15.9 Contractor – small refrigeration systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to air-conditioning refrigeration systems with a cooling capacity not exceeding 20 kW and a refrigerant of group A1, A2 or a mixture of both, according to the classification in the table on refrigerants and charges of the Mechanical Refrigeration Code, published by the Canadian Standards Association.
It also authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a pulsed air system, whose capacity does not exceed 40 kW and that use a refrigerant referred to in the first paragraph, provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.1, 15.1.1, 15.7 or 15.8.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a hydronic system, whose capacity does not exceed 40 kW and that use a refrigerant referred to in the first paragraph, provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.4 or 15.4.1.
It also authorizes similar or related construction work.
15.10 Contractor – refrigeration
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to any refrigeration system, including work related to air-conditioning, industrial processes and food preservation.
It also authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a pulsed air system provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.1, 15.1.1, 15.7 or 15.8.
In addition, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to the heating and air conditioning devices of a hydronic system provided that the contractor also holds the appropriate subclass 15.4 or 15.4.1.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
16. Contractor – electrical
Except for demolition work, this subclass authorizes construction work on an electrical installation to which Chapter V of the Construction Code applies, introduced by the Regulation to amend the Construction Code (O.C. 961-2002, 2002-08-21), that is reserved exclusively for electrical contractors.
It also authorizes construction work relating to fixtures permanently connected to the electrical installation, if it is governed by Chapter V of the Construction Code and if it is not specifically governed by another subclass and construction work in subclasses 13.2 and 17.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
17.1 Contractor – instrumentation and control systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for electrical contractors relating to instrumentation and control systems.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 17.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
O.C. 314-200, Sch. II; O.C. 703-2016, ss. 2 to 9.
(s. 10)
2.1 Contractor – drilled wells
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to the sinking of wells and water collection, and similar or related construction work.
2.2 Contractor – non-drilled water collection structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to non-drilled water collection structures such as shallow wells and spring water collection, and similar or related construction work.
2.3 Contractor – underground water pumping systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics or electrical contractors relating to underground water pumping systems, and similar or related construction work.
2.4 Contractor – private sewerage systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to building sewage treatment, and similar or related construction work.
2.6 Contractor – piles and special foundations
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to soil mechanics such as piles and caissons, cofferdams, tiebacks, underpinning or grouting of soil and rock.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 2.5 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related work.
2.8 Contractor – blasting
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to drilling, loading of holes and firing explosives and similar and related construction work.
3.1 Contractor – concrete structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to cast or precast structural concrete.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 3.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
4.1 Contractor – masonry structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to structural masonry and masonry outer wall.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 4.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly it authorizes similar or related construction work.
5.1 Contractor – metallic structures and prefabricated concrete elements
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to metallic structures and steel structural elements as well as structural assembly work using prefabricated concrete elements.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 5.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
6.1 Contractor – wood structures
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to wood structures.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 6.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
10. Contractor – solid fuel local heating systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for master pipe-mechanics or electrical contractors relating to solid fuel local heating systems, such as stoves and prefabricated fireplaces, and similar or related construction work.
11.1 Contractor – pressurized industrial or institutional piping
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for master pipe-mechanics relating to the installation of pressurized industrial or institutional piping, and similar or related construction work.
13.1 Contractor – lightning protection
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for electrical contractors relating to lightning protection installations, and similar or related construction work.
13.2 Contractor – fire alarm systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for electrical contractors relating to fire alarm systems, and similar or related construction work.
13.3 Contractor – fire extinguishing system
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for master pipe-mechanics relating to automatic water sprinkler systems, fire protection standpipe, and similar or related construction work.
13.4 Contractor – local fire extinguishing systems
This subclass authorizes construction work relating to local fire extinguishing systems using a product stored in a tank and similar or related construction work.
14.1 Contractor – passenger and freight elevators
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not exclusively reserved for electrical contractors relating to passenger and freight elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks and material lifts governed by the current edition of CAN/CSA B44 Safety Code for Elevators and Freight Elevators, rendered applicable by Chapter IV of the Construction Code (chapter B-1.1, r. 2) and defined in that Code, and related construction work.
14.2 Contractor – lifts for persons with physical disabilities
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for electrical contractors relating to lifts for persons with physical disabilities governed by the current edition of standards CAN/CSA B355 Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities and CAN/CSA B613 Private Residence Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities, rendered applicable by Chapter IV of the Construction Code and defined in those standards, and related construction work.
14.3 Contractor – other types of elevators
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for electrical contractors relating to elevators not in subclass 1.10 provided for in Schedule I and in subclasses 14.1 and 14.2 and related construction work.
15.1 Contractor – warm air heating systems
This subclass authorizes construction work reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act (chapter M-4) relating to warm air heating systems.
It also authorizes, even if it is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics, construction work relating to propane gas burners part of warm air heating systems and construction work in subclass 15.1.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.1.1 Contractor – warm air heating systems for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to warm air heating systems, including propane gas burners that are part of them.
It also authorizes construction work relating to heating systems referred to in the first paragraph that is carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.2 Contractor – natural gas burners
This subclass authorizes construction work that is reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to natural gas combustion systems.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 15.2.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.2.1 Contractor – natural gas burners for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to natural gas combustion systems.
It also authorizes construction work relating to natural gas combustion systems that is carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.3 Contractor – oil burners
This subclass authorizes construction work reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to oil combustion systems.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 15.3.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.3.1 Contractor – oil burners for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to oil combustion systems.
It also authorizes construction work relating to oil combustion systems that is carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.4 Contractor – hot water and steam heating systems
This subclass authorizes construction work reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to hot water and steam heating systems.
It also authorizes, even if it is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics, construction work relating to propane burners that are part of hot water or steam heating systems and construction work in subclass 15.4.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.4.1 Contractor – hot water and steam heating systems for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to hot water and steam heating systems, including propane burners that are part of the systems.
It also authorizes construction work relating to heating systems referred to in the first paragraph and that is carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.5 Contractor – plumbing
This subclass authorizes construction work that is reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics under the Master Pipe-Mechanics Act relating to plumbing systems in any building or structure, including piping and all the fixtures used for drainage, back venting of traps, hot and cold water supply or gas supply.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 15.5.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.5.1 Contractor – plumbing for certain work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics
This subclass authorizes maintenance work relating to plumbing systems in any building or structure, including piping and all fixtures used for drainage, back venting of traps, hot and cold water supply or gas supply.
It also authorizes construction work relating to plumbing systems referred to in the first paragraph and carried out in the territory of a local municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, except if there is a public sewer system, or in an unorganized territory.
Moreover, this subclass authorizes construction work relating to plumbing installations that are not building installations and that are outdoors.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
15.6 Contractor – propane
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to installations for the use, storage or distribution of propane gas, including their components and fixtures, and similar or related construction work.
15.7 Contractor – residential ventilation
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to air circulation or distribution systems related to ventilation, exhaust, air compensation and air conditioning of single family dwellings, duplexes or town houses and private portions of multifamily buildings held in divided co-ownership.
It also authorizes construction work relating to the heating duct systems in the dwellings referred to in the first paragraph.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
15.8 Contractor – ventilation
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to air circulation or distribution systems related to ventilation, exhaust, air compensation and air conditioning.
It also authorizes construction work relating to the heating duct systems and construction work in subclass 15.7.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
15.9 Contractor – small refrigeration systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to air-conditioning refrigeration systems with a cooling capacity not exceeding 20 kW and a refrigerant of group A1, A2 or a mixture of both, according to the classification in Clause 3.4 of CSA B-52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code, 1999 edition, published by the Canadian Standards Association, taking into account further amendments that may be made.
It also authorizes similar or related construction work.
15.10 Contractor – refrigeration
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for master pipe-mechanics relating to any refrigeration system, including work related to air-conditioning, industrial processes and food preservation.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 15.9.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
16. Contractor – electrical
Except for demolition work, this subclass authorizes construction work on an electrical installation to which Chapter V of the Construction Code applies, introduced by the Regulation to amend the Construction Code (O.C. 961-2002, 2002-08-21), that is reserved exclusively for electrical contractors.
It also authorizes construction work relating to fixtures permanently connected to the electrical installation, if it is governed by Chapter V of the Construction Code and if it is not specifically governed by another subclass and construction work in subclasses 13.2 and 17.1.
Lastly, it authorizes related construction work.
17.1 Contractor – instrumentation and control systems
This subclass authorizes construction work that is not reserved exclusively for electrical contractors relating to instrumentation and control systems.
It also authorizes construction work in subclass 17.2 of Schedule III.
Lastly, it authorizes similar or related construction work.
O.C. 314-200, Sch. II.